Old Ulster County Jail - Kingston, New York
Jason & Grant in the 1st Floor Cells, Female Section - Right away they're hearing all kinds of stuff including "footsteps on sand" according to Grant, Jason enters a cell & says he thinks the sound is coming from an airvent high in the cell wall. The metal door they hear inside the cell must be discounted with the Pilgrim crew filming from outside the cell into it allowing them to be doing literally ANYTHING behind the camera. They split up & find nothing, Grant makes an unintentional funny when he says "theres no-one else in here, right?", no Grant. Just you. And Jason. And the camera guy. And the sound guy. And god alone knows who else.
Amy & Kris in the 2nd Floor Utility Corridor - Kris freaks out about something brushing against her arm, it cant be verified as she'd already started going crazy before the camera panned up off the floor. Score another point for helmetcams. Kris also freaks out again claiming the strap of her top was tugged. I can flatly state nothing moved as the camera was on her the whole time, just a case of an overactive imagination. Back on the cell block Kris freaks out a 3rd time after claiming something touched her arm. Girly, if you are going to offer your arm and ask to be grabbed then dont be shocked when it happens.
Steve & Tango in the 1st Floor Cells, Female Section - Steve sat in a cell while Tango sat on a bench directly outside it. Tango reveals his inner narcisist. Tango asks for a bang saying they'll leave if it happens then he claims to hear "a popping sound" which I never heard. He even indicates a 2nd sound claiming it was "a little louder" when there was nothing at all happening, when they ask for a 3rd noise you do hear something metal hitting metal off camera. Thats the ONLY sound you hear of the 3 Tango claimed. Because Bert & Ernie are too stupid they have to stick to their word & leave the area just as activity is happening. Talk about asking the wrong questions.
Amy & Kris in the 3rd Floor Housing Unit - Amy claims she sees movement which Kris starts to walk towards (with nothing in her hands, no flashlight, no camera, no dvr, NOTHING), we do hear a muffled thud that Kris says "sounded like chains". So chains sound like a sack hitting concrete? They claimed to hear other sounds which left them wandering around by the cells & Amy suggests they split up. Kris sees something in Tier E, shes unable to locate or debunk it. She hears movement and J&G claim to hear the same thing 1 floor directly below them. I'm unsure as to exactly why Grant says not to chase it, isnt that the entire reason they are there?
Jason & Grant in the 2nd Floor Cells Tiers A & B - Grant claims he hears a very Scooby Doo type moan, I could only hear them walking. I didnt hear his reported footsteps either. Nor did I hear the door Jason claimed had opened.
Analysis - Tango plays what he claims is a male voice Kris & Amy caught on video, all I hear is someone very heavy sitting down or shifting their weight on a chair. I couldnt hear ANYTHING when he played the "unpleasant" sound.
The Reveal - Really this should be Jason & Grant saying "Nothing happened" but lets see how much they make up & how far they reach to pass off evidence. Jason presents the clips of Kris freaking out after her "being touched" incidents, she just looks stupid reacting to nothing at all. Audio of Kris & Amy , you cant hear anything at all in the background like they claim. The playback waveform is totally flat so its impossible but the sheriff plays along like he's heard something. Audio playback of J&G on E & F Tier, you hear 2 thuds but its useless as evidence as you have no context for it. Audio of Kris & Amy on the 3rd Floor, you can hear something - possibly an exhale. Its utterly useless as evidence. J&G play audio caught on the 1st Floor, if anyone alive can hear 2 males engaged in conversation then you have better hearing than me. I can't hear anything at all. "We caught some great evidence", a whole lot of nothing is great evidence? No wonder this show is so bad if one of the producers thinks this.
Antebellum Plantation - Stone Mountain, Georgia.
After no handshake at the prison Steve isnt a pariah here at least.
Jason & Grant in the Thornton House - They react to whats obviously the floor, they even query if it is. There are plenty more thuds which do sound a decent distance away, once Grant goes to the top of the stairs Jason has a bad case of overactive imagination hearing "a slight wind with a voice in it" and no it didnt sound like out of a horror film, it sounded dumb & hokey. Just like you in fact. Grant claims he hears speech which Jason confirms as "two syllables", they must both have super hearing as there was nothing at all. Grant asks if its Margaret and theres a knock, as the camera is on him it would have been easy for Jason or any of his crew guys to fake that.
Despite claiming "that came from the room right behind me" Jason then walks into a completely different room. Would that be to allow the Pilgrim Crew member time to vacate that room then? When he eventually does enter the room he mentioned through a side door its obviously empty. Noisy Pilgrim guy had been given plenty of time to bail. Jason hears noises above him which the cameras try to debunk by showing Grant still sitting at the top of the stairs (do Pilgrim not know we've heard of the term Pickup Shot?), when Grant eventually enters the room theres nothing there.
Steve & Tango in Slave Cabin #1 - Steve reacts to something (off camera) then Tango asks "did that chair move?" (also off camera but it wasnt moving at all when they changed shots), Steve overly freaking out at just about everything freaked out Tango who suggested they bail (Isn't this the kind of behaviour Brian Harnois got sacked for?), they were claiming they could hear hissing but neither guy left. Epic fail on Professionalism from the tutors of GHA.
Jason & Grant in the Barn - which lasts for all of about 3 seconds once Jason thinks he sees a light elsewhere so they go check it out. Look Ma, I got me that ADHD as bad as those Klinge Brothers!
Jason & Grant in the Carriage House - They are unable to replicate or debunk the cause of the light Jason saw.
Analysis - Video of a voice Steve & Tango caught in the Slave Cabin.
The Reveal - Jason mentions the mystery light from the Carriage House, video of 1 light tap they claim is 3 bangs in the Thornton House, Grant mentions hearing the name Margaret but theres nothing presented on tape. Guys you know the rules as well as we do, if its not on tape you can NOT present it to the client. Video of the noise made behind Jason that I believe was a crew member, the fact he didnt walk right into the room to check renders it useless and open to being faked.
The audio of Steve & Tango in the Slave Cabin is nothing more than someone inhaling before beginning a sentance, totally debunked and very poor if they are presenting that as actual paranormal evidence - It certainly doesnt sound like "Hey you" and you wont hear that until its suggested to you. Jason manages to totally queer the presentation of the next bit of audio by motioning to the client exactly when she's supposed to hear the sound, you can hear something but Jason just ruined its chance of being evidence by signalling it like that.
As far as my Ghost Hunters reviews go I think this is going to be the last one, you can only rag on stupid people so many times before it becomes meaningless which it has done. I may possibly review the Halloween show, we'll cross that bridge when we reach it. Its been fun doing these and I hope you've enjoyed reading them.
Right now in terms of Paranormal shows there is plenty to watch, Ghost Hunters (currently awful), Ghost Adventures (mildly bad), Ghost Lab (dire now they've decided they need to fake in every show), Paranormal State (still sticking with their overly religious approach), Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files and the return of My Ghost Story. If you can't find something you like watching amongst that lot then you must be Yvette Fielding.
Be well and have a happy Halloween.