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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Movie Review - Judge Dredd

Now I remember going to see this at the cinema in High Wycombe when it was released, it was a rare day off work spent feeding my inner sci-fi nerd. I am a fan of 2000AD and Judge Dredd and used to read the comic and graphic novels so I did already have a good working knowledge of Dredd and his back story. I had already heard that unimaginable was going to happen and Dredd was going to remove his mask in the movie. I already knew Slyvester Stallone was starring in the title role so I went in with an open mind.

Set in Mega City One the film opens with a nice James Earl Jones narrated trawl graphic that explains about Mega Cities, Judges and how they interact. We have a few decent actors in Max Von Sydow (Chief Justice Fargo), Jurgen Prochnow (Judge Griffin) and British music icon Ian Drury in his very short role. The film isn't exactly star heavy (with only really 3 big names to speak of) but the attention to detail in background, sets, costumes, weapons and extras more than makes up for this.

Fans of 2000AD and Judge Dredd will recognise most if not all of the character names (all the judges who sit on the council will eventually go on to become Chief Judges in the world of the comic), Dredds sidekick Hershey (the closest thing the very insular Dredd has to an actual friend) and his brother Rico as well as The Angel Clan and an ABC Robot.

The basic plot is that the crime rate is spiralling and there aren't enough Judges to control the huge population. A reporter investigating corruption is killed and it appears Dredd killed him. A trial is held and Dredd is found guilty off some rather damning evidence, to save him from being executed Chief Judge Fargo retires his position as Chief Judge asking that his replacement shows mercy.

Dredd is sentanced to life imprisonment in Aspen Penal Colony, which strangely enough is the prison his brother Rico recently escaped from. Griffin is made Chief Judge and a campaign of terror and violence takes place against the judges, it is eventually revealed Rico is behind this and is being controlled by Griffin.

Hershey tries to investigate Dredds crime and Dredds prison shuttle is shot down and intercepted in The Cursed Earth by the legendary Angel Gang (who are very accurately characterised from their comic counterparts). Dredd kills them all except Mean Machine Angel but he is saved from certain death by Fargo who had been sent on his Long Walk.

Dredd and a fellow prisoner break back into the city and set about trying to uncover how he was framed which leads to a climactic scene in a notable American location that seems to feature heavily in movie sci-fi. Obviously Dredds good name is eventually cleared and we get a rather predictable feel good ending. There isn't much of a plot to follow, characters aren't very well developed and the depth of culture behind 2000AD and Judge Dredd aren't very well utilised at all.

The film was universally hated and condemned by fans of the comic and it received a less than warm reception from other sci-fi fans. If the film were judged purely on its sets and costumes it would be set free, judged on script and characters and acting it really should be put to death out of everyone elses misery.

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