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Friday, March 6, 2009

My Weekly TNA Catch-up, 5th Mar 09 reviewed

Show opens with Don West refusing to change his position from last week. Mick Foley comes out to introduce Sting and thank him for saving him & for getting him over in WCW. Nash, Steiner & Booker come out yack.
Rough Cut Segment on Ultimate X.
X Division Championship Match - Kiyoshi (with new Japanese tag team No Limit, Yujiro Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito bringing a fresh influx of talent from the New Japan wrestling promotion) vs Alex Shelly (with Chris Sabin). Despite being in rather a heel role at the moment Shelley is clearly over (at least with a few female fans who were the only people chanting for him) but generally the crowd was pretty quiet & unresponsive during this match. Shelley took the eventual win off a Frogsplash in 4:20, I'd preferred to have seen more holds & reversals as well as some intereference from No Limit. The lights stayed out after the entrance by Suicide (unsure if that was Chris Daniels or if Kaz has recovered fully yet, looked more like Daniels though) as he was struggling to get himself free of the zipline.
4 Corner Knockout Tag Match - The Beatiful People (with Cute Kip) vs Raisha Saeed & Awesome Kong vs Rhaka Khan & Sojourner Bolt vs Taylor Wilde & Roxxi (with "The Governor" better known as WCW's Queen Of Scream Daffney who is WAY overdue to drop that character & start wrestling in her own right). Roxxi having her run against everyone else was pretty impressive as was Wilde bumping & selling for The Beautiful People, The Governor making a wicked snap suplex on Love showing Daffney still has the moves however Love won after hitting the Lights On on Roxxi after Madison Rayne interfered with a dropkick in an above average match that lasted 3:27. We didn't see enough of Khan & Bolt or Saeed & Kong, it seemed they only used this match to further the character of Madison Rayne but hopefully her involvement will finally allow Daffney to drop The Govenor character.
Booker T, Scott Steiner & Sharmell come out to waffle. Samoa Joe uses the fakest knife I've ever seen (people were complaining about THAT? It looks like its made of plastic or cardboard). West walks out on Tenay for a 2nd week running as Kurt Angle beats on Jay Lethal. Abyss in another session with "Dr Stevie".
Matt Morgan vs Shane Sewell - I'm not exactly sure who this match was supposed to help or get over, it was a case of expecting a run-in from either Sheik Abdul Bashir (for Sewell) or Abyss (for Morgan). This was mainly Sewell selling & bumping for Morgan who took the eventual win off the Hellavator in 4:11, not a very good match at all although I marked for the "Bring Back Sabu" sign in the front row behind Morgan as he made his rant about Abyss.
Tag Team Championship - Beer Money vs LAX. This is yet another "Off The Wagon" Challenge where if the challengers lose whoever is pinned leaves TNA. I wasn't aware of any announcements from either Homicide or Hernandez so the outcome of this was an unknown for the 1st time in 3 weeks. Homicide being Border Tossed out of the ring onto Beer Money was followed by one of TNA's now legendary badly timed commercial breaks, Homicide was on the wrong end of Beer Moneys attention as they came back & he bumped and sold very well indeed. Hernandez had Storm up for the Border Toss after spitting beer into his eyes but Roode came in & beaned him across the back with a chair which lead to the ref calling for the bell with the match going to LAX getting a win by DQ in 5:54, I had the feeling it'd go this way so Beer Money keep the titles & LAX both get their Feast Or Fired shots & it took Team 3D to make the save.
Kurt Angle comes out to voice his opinions to Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle - Not a match (no referee or bell), just a plain old slugfest which went out of the ring & into the crowd very quickly, it eventually resulted in Jarrett physically throwing Angle out of the arena in a set-to that lasted 3:43.
Summary :- Of this weeks 2 hr broadcast 31:03 was spent in commercial breaks, 4 actual matches lasted 18:32 in duration and a set-to that lasted 3:43 which if included gave us 22:15 of actual action which was STILL less than the amount of time spent in commercial breaks and less than 1/4 of the show comprised of any actual wrestling. Again I say this is a trend that MUST STOP NOW! At LEAST 5 or 6 matches per show with matches that are at LEAST 8 minutes long. If TNA talent can't fill an 8 minute match then they deserve to be fired. STOP THE ROT NOW!

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