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Friday, March 27, 2009

My Weekly TNA Catch-up, Impact 26th Mar 09 reviewed

Show opens with Jim Cornette telling us about a Cage Gauntlet match coming up later. The MEM come out to yack & Kurt Angle thinks he's The Rock. Jeff Jarrett comes out tell Angle he's in the match. Backstage c**p from The MEM.
X Division Championship - Kiyoshi (with No Limit) vs Suicide. It's still Chris Daniels inside the Suicide costume , I assume they were giving Suicide T-shirts away for free as almost all the crowd behind the camera were wearing one. This was a nicely paced very decent looking match, Suicide spent most of it selling the wrong end of a beatdown from Kiyoshi who had a very short time on the losing end of a run after missing a splash but was soon back on top again. After dealing with No Limit by using Kiyoshi as a battering ram Suicide took the win off the Suicide Solution.
Knockout Tag Match - Raisha Saeed & Awesome Kong vs The Beautiful People (with Madison Rayne). Sky & Saeed kicked this one off and it looks like Sky has been getting herself some serious practice. Love faced off with Kong and Sky failed to make a save taking an extremely scrappy looking chokeslam off Kong (I think that was more Sky not selling the fall which looked shite) tagging in Saeed who made a very weird looking Thesz press and Love made what looked to be her 1st ever spinning neckbreaker which looked very unpracticed and was executed too slowly to look effective. Love sold a nice looking Scoop Slam, Kong came in to chase out Sky which allowed Love to hit Saeed with the Lights Out to take the win in a match that was pretty scrappy in places. Kong fought her way out of a post match haircut.
Sting comes out to ask Mick Foley about the steel chair incident last week who also comes out to explain his actions.
Captains 6 Sides Of Steel Gauntlet Match - Basically this is a standard gauntlet match where 2 guys start off and someone new comes in every 2 minutes, you go out by pinfall or submission and the last 2 men left will be Team Captains for 6 Sides Of Steel at the Lockdown PPV. Abyss & AJ Styles were the 1st 2 guys in and next in was Alex Shelley followed in by Jay Lethal 2 minutes later. Chris Sabin entered during a commercial break & Matt Morgan was next in after him who was 1st to be elimiminated off a Pele from Styles into a Black Hole Slam from Abyss when they returned to live tv. In next was Homicide and in next was Scott Steiner and during the commercial break Chris Sabin eliminated Homicide, Consequences Creed entered the match and when they came back to live action Rhino was next to enter. In next was Jeff Jarrett and its nice to see him getting back into some sort of stable series of ring appearances since the death of his wife.
Jarrett was jumped outside the ring by Kurt Angle before he even got a chance to enter the cage hitting him in the arm with a chair. As Jarrett was being seen to by the medics Naito of No Limit came into the match and Jay Lethal eliminated Alex Shelley with the Lethal Combination. Next to enter was Kurt Angle but if he'd already interfered in the match before his spot shouldn't he already have been DQ'd for using a weapon? Angle eliminated Consequences Creed with the Ankle Lock in his opening 5 seconds then eliminating Chris Sabin off the Angle Slam then eliminating Jay Lethal also off the Angle Slam, we have yet another commercial break during which Scott Steiner eliminated Naito and Shane Sewell entered the match only to be eliminated by Kurt Angle off the Angle Slam.
Next in was Sheik Abdul Bashir followed in by Booker T who eliminated AJ Styles with the Book End but Rhino eliminated Booker with the Gore a few moments later, next in was Yujiro for No Limit as Angle eliminated Bashir off the Angle Slam and next in was Eric Young as both Steiner and Angle eliminated Abyss by pinning him together. Angle eliminated Young off the Angle Slam and Ref Earl Hebner was seriously out of position for that count having to run full across the ring and change position midcount too. Rhino eliminated Yuriro off a Gore (which was pretty stupid, leaving him no help against Angle & Steiner) and was eliminated by Angle off an Angle Slam (which he WAY oversold on) for his trouble, the penultimate guy in was Hernandez who was eliminated by Kurt Angle off the Angle Slam.
Steiner had bladed himself whilst we were distracted by Angle pinning Hernandez as we knew the last guy in was Samoa Joe and they wanted to play up the fact that Joe was the one who had caused that cut 2 weeks ago, instead they made a total swerve and Jim Cornette allowed Jeff Jarrett his shot as he had never actually entered the cage before Angle injured him. After Angle hit Steiner with a clothesline that Jarrett had ducked Angle managed to kick out of a pin but Jarrett eliminated Steiner off the Stroke. Steiner stopped a 3 count on Angle who eliminated Jarrett off the Angle Slam.
Finally Samoa Joe came out (Much to the surprise of Don West but Mike Tenay explained that Jarrett had never entered the match and had come down when Joe was supposed to come out as the final guy) Joe stood up from his Angle Slam and Samoa Joe eliminated Angle off the Muscle Buster so Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle will be the Captains for Lockdown.
Angles rant that he eliminated Jarrett 3 times is utter s**t, he didn't eliminate Jarrett outside the ring as he wasn't legal in the match & neither did he pin him outside the ring either.

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