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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Extreme paranormal episode 2

1st place in the bayou, they bury their mate and he reports scratching & knocking on the coffin (almost certainly from the safety crew to enhance the atmosphere) as his pals chase fricking shadows in the dark.
The "GET OUT" EVP is possibly the least clear recording since Edison recorded onto wax cylinders.

2nd place, an asylum. Lead guy gets spooked claiming he saw a man in a window. The whole floor he thought it was on turns out to be locked so Religious guy say "the only possible explanation is that you saw a spirit", yes or we could could with logic & say it was a trick of the light. Their "empathic shaman" helpfully finds them a room "full of energy" then bails on them like a complete girl.

Fat guy gets put in a straight jacket & they bail on him to go explore elsewhere, they hear a sound (like dragging) but it sounds completely different when they play it back, nothing like what I heard. Lead guy gets spooked by bats then Fat Guy thinks he hears kids laugh (I heard nothing but when he asks for a sign I was sure I heard a fart noise!) but the music box does go off a few times.

Lead guy lets them tie him down & apply electric shocks to him, to coincide with Religious guy getting a "spirit" to cross over a light tube falls over.

Personally I think their methods are a tad TOO extreme and that this shouldn't be picked up for a series.

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