Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Saturday, July 10, 2010

various things off my facebook status over time

When in doubt, throw it out, the thought I can not live without. Say "Fuck it!"

Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov. There should be statues of him in every city across the planet. Why? Because he single handedly prevented World War 3 on September 26, 1983. Thats why. And you probably haven't even heard of him.

I reject your reality & substitute my own. In my reality England are still crap @ Football, Beers slightly cheaper, Cider is ONLY made out of apples & Eddie Izzard is Prime Minister.
Oh, and Jeremy Clarkson was never born. And we get Mythbusters on telly every week ;-) And Pauley Perrette. LOTS of Pauley Perrette.

The end of Goonies, "The Octopus was really scary". Oh you mean the one they cut out of the movie? So your line about it sounds really stupid?

Microwave NSP's. Microwave cooks, microwave stops. There is food in the microwave but no power. Fuse change, cock, hook & look. Forward assist. Microwave continues to cook. ;-) Only the RAF friends are going to get that one.

Its a nonevent horizon with a possibilty of zero squared. Ie:- Never gonna happen.

Boy went to his careers officer & said "I wanna study Stamps". Careers Officers say "Why not become a Police Officer or join the Forces?". Boy says "No, I wanna study Stamps". So the Careers Officers says no, the boy asks him why & the Careers Officer says "Philately gets you nowhere".

I stopped this guy on the street to ask him the time & he had a strange accent so I asked him where he was from & he said "I live in a State of Permanent Confusion". "Isn't that in Mexico" I asked him but he just walked off ;-P

"Welcome to Element Of Doubt Burger, how may I help you?". "Whats the element of doubt?". "If I'm going to spit in your food or not. Should I expect a tip?". "Yeah, eat elsewhere".

Its a Saturday in 1994 in High Wycombe & I'm walking down the High Street outside Woolworths. I kinda half recognise this smiling spikey haired blonde guy walking towards me, as he walks past me I say to myself (but also out loud) "Wasn't that Howard Jones?" & this male voice from behind says "Yes it was!". Made me laugh ;-)

JK Rowling, idea thief:-Goodnight Sweetheart-18 November 1993, Ron Wheatcroft best friend of Gary Sparrow. Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone-30 June 1997, Ronald Weasley best friend of Harry Potter. Both have a friend called Ron with intials RW, both get to their destinations by passing through solid objects, Gary through Ducketts Passage & Harry through a wall to Platform 13a. Who says shes not a plagiarist?

Ellington, a Skellington. He danced in purple Wellingtons. I wish more words rhymed with that ;-)

Useless crap I can remember #1:- Jimmy Neutrons band is called The Llama Lords Of Science. And Kevin (from The Wonder Years) had a band called Kevin Arnold & The Electric Shoes.

Useless crap I can remember #2:- Max Headrooms human counterpart Edison Carter presented the "What I Want To Know" show ;-) On The Young Ones Neils full name is Neil Wheedon-Watkins Pye & Vyv drove a Yellow Ford Anglia.

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