Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Movie Review - Very Bad Things

OK 1st the cast. Cameron Diaz who does pretty much nothing for a large amount of the movie. Christian Slater totally type cast as a mad idiot, one of the burglars from Home Alone (he's also in City Slickers), a guy who was in Alien Resurrection, a guy who was in Friends as a boyfriend. The grand total of 2 people whose names I knew & the rest were faces I half recognized from other films or TV.

I really can't see how the hooker was killed, she has something in the back of her head, obviously a drunken accident during frantic sex. Why they didn't call the police right away? Everyone apart from 1 man and the hooker were in the same room. They were all drunk. As soon as they start planning the cover-up they are incriminating themselves.

Call the police, CSI go over the crime scene and work out what happened. The only person worrying about the drugs is the only person who took any. It wasn't murder but as soon as they start planning to cover it up and hide the body then they are committing a crime.

They argue that long that Hotel security turn up. Legally he hasn't got the right to stroll in the room so the drugs he sees are inadmissible as evidence. Christian Slater then attacks him with a corkscrew (once he spots the dead hooker) and kills him so right now he's guilty of murder, drugs offenses & also conspiracy to conceal a crime.

The idiots then clean up the crime scene, cut up the bodies and bury them in the desert. Have these chaps never seen CSI Las Vegas? The desert shifts and moves, things uncover eventually. All the bull going on in the desert, separating their bodies and fighting and praying. How did no-one drive past and notice what they were doing? The newspaper reports the missing security guard and everyone suddenly goes mad. Seeing a police officer drives one of the men to paranoia. His children screaming for candy, he should have just got into the van and driven away. It would have prevented all the crap that happened inside.

Adam is succumbing to more paranoia at the wedding rehearsal dinner. Seeing as he was the only person who wanted to call the police from the 1st moment. The voice of sense, but calling the guy getting married (Mike) a murderer was a bit too much. It was an accident, wet floor, drugs, drink.

Mike hitting the mini-van was totally pointless and lying to the police about arguing was also pointless. Killing Mike or is it Adam (we can't tell who is who, that's how easy the film is to follow. Especially with 2 actors who looks so physically alike) shortly after wards, utterly pointless. The film has gone from the stupid to the ridiculous.

From here the whole religious aspect start getting a bit too intense. It just degrades into a bunch of Angry men shouting at each other, being too intense and fooling themselves into the illusion they did nothing wrong.

The brother seriously over-acts unhappy at the funeral. Then another shouting match, the film is basically a large collection of shouting matches. The guy who died had left a note confessing to the whole killing of the hooker and security guy to his widow.

They then lie to the widow telling her a modified version of the actual events. It's obvious from the look on his face Slater was going to kill the widow. I don't see why he then kills her husband to cover him killing her. Right there should be where the other men who are alive should have turned on Slater and killed him or turned him in. After all it's him that suggests the cover up and screams to not call the police and he killed the hotel guard.

During a session with a lawyer the guy getting married confesses everything to his fiancé.

Finally we reach the wedding. Diaz kills Slater (apparently) but he overcomes what looked like having his head crushed with a coat stand and it's Cameron's turn to become a heartless killer sending hubby out to kill the final friend who knows, bury him & Slater and lose the dog they've acquired through the death of Mike & his widow.

He almost kills the friend but their involved in a head-on crash traveling back. The friend is thrown through both car windscreen and the guy loses his legs some how. Why he and his wife end up caring for the friend is beyond me but the weak ending tops off a generally weak film that was never going any where anyway.

My Advice? Avoid this film if possible.

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