Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Movie Review - The Aviator

You'd better take a pillow. This film is so dull it's unreal. It goes from bore to bore. Yes, we knew Howard Hughes was a recluse. So they blame it all on his mother, very Freudian. The descent into madness is very quick, the whole "hygiene" plot isn't very well explained at all. I was just bored almost all the time. Even the plane sequences weren't particularly inspiring. basically it's the story of a rich kid left money by his parents and he decides to use it to make films and build planes. More power to him I say.

I'd have liked to have seen more of Howard's life explored instead of just concentrating on the Hollywood bit. Jane Russell and Jean Harlow (played by the stunning Gwen Stefani who really looked amazing on screen) could have been used a lot more. Leonardo Di Caprio isn't very watchable at all as Howard Hughes, i think they hired him so the woman would flock in for his nude scenes. A very very very very very very very BORING film.
Go see something else.

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