Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Movie Review - Botched

It's screamingly low budget (the sets for 90% of the movie show that) and there are only really 2 stars (Sean Pertwee & Steven Dorff) but the movie is excellent. A robbery gone wrong leads to the robber having to do a "final" job to pay-off a long standing family debt to a Russian Mobster from a building in Moscow.

The robbery is bungled and the 3 robbers are forced to take hostages but we soon find the floor they've taken refuge on isn't quite all it seems. The film is gory, violent and darkly funny. There are lots of recognisable faces in the support cast (like Yuri & the twin sister). Mainly shot in a studio on Ireland this is very good but I'm not sure it'd stand up to more than 1 viewing as once you've seen it all the shocks and surprises have been revealed.


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