Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Movie Review - Madagascar

Parodied are Tom Hank's Cast Away, Charlton Heston's Planet Of The Apes, Silence Of The Lambs. Oh, and Tarzan (twice) and George Of The Jungle I suppose. Sacha Baron Cohen sounds like he is trying to do a voice somewhere between Jim Broadbent (who I actually thought it was until I read the cast list) and Spike Milligan doing some of his Goon's voices.

Chris Rock's animated Zebra actually does look a bit like him. Right, my main question - what kind of animal is a Foosa? They look a bit like some of the Lions and big Cats out of The Lion King. By the way, WHO THE HELL IS Cedric The Entertainer? Why should we know him? We in the UK assume he's been in some TV show in the US? Generally I think this film is a little on the short side, could have done with about an extra 20 minutes or so. The little kids will love it like they loved Nemo. Not quite in the same league as The Incredibles though.

Also the 1st time I've found Chris Rock not only bearable but funny as well on screen. He must be improving in his old age but I wonder how much dialog recorded was cut because of obscenity?

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