Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Movie Review - The Marine

Blatantly stolen from other places! John Cena looks so much like Randy Orton in most of his close-ups that it may as well have been him in the film. I find it hard to believe a former Marine trained in all the things Triton lists has a hard time to get a job. Basically this film is a rip-off from Rambo, Commando & a few other movies. There is nothing original about the film & the plot is pretty non-existent. We start with a jewelery heist that's an obvious inside job which is proved as soon as they get inside the diamond room.

The fact that they kill their inside man & take out a police car underlines their intentions and ruthlessness. Triton would have been killed in the Gas Station explosion and has also stolen a police car. He catches up with them far too quickly and there aren't enough 1-1 fights between Triton and the gang members.

His girlfriend would have drowned in the 2 minutes she was under water and even if she hadn't after that long under water she'd be brain dead anyway. the fact that when she "splutters", she doesn't spit out any water is a brilliant goof but not as big as the one where Triton, the highly trained Elite Marine doesn't know how to do basic CPR. This is awful and anyone could have been the star, did Robert Patrick really need the money that badly? Even with the awful "Terminator" joke?

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