Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Movie Review - Mission: Impossible III

Wow. What a weak plot. Ethan gets married and the bad guy captures his wife. And the rest of the plot is a weak rip off from True Lies. That's sinking pretty low, not only stealing the plot from an Arnie film but stealing a plot from a film that's actually better than yours. Mission Impossible 1 and 2 were excellent films with good plots and original ideas. The bomb in the head is a Robert Sheckley idea (which I bet they never paid him for either). Your wife not knowing your a spy (True Lies).

The raised freeway being shot at by a plane (again, True Lies). Simon Pegg's character seemed shoe horned into this film and totally didn't belong. And Ricky Gervais wouldn't have played it any better. This was a big let down and the lack of new ideas was really sad. best avoided.

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