Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Movie Review - Mrs Henderson Presents

i truly didn't expect anything much from this film. Judy Dench just shines through the whole movie, she plays the Mrs Henderson of the films title. she's just become a widow and has a lot of disposable income & her friend and confidant (thelma Barlow of coronation street and dinner ladies fame) advises her to get a hobby or do something with her money. so she buys a theatre. in windmill street, London. ah, legends are about to be forged but no-one yet knows it.

but she has no idea how to run a theatre, so she uses the old boy network to hire herself a manager to run the theatre. enter Mr Bob Hoskins playing Vivian van Damme and looking slightly like he did in who framed roger rabbit. without the hat. so they hatch a plan to have a musical revue that will run non-stop and a concept is born. which is then stolen, and their theatre faces money problems. so Mrs Henderson suggests naked girls on stage!

society rail against her but the public love it. it makes them money and then world war 2 ensues. London is bombed and the theatre is threatened with closure, Mrs Henderson reveals some of her life secrets and the theatre is re-opened. an excellent film, it looks amazing, the nudity is very subtle and not at all rude or crude. will young needed a bit more to do apart from sing. Hoskins and Dench were sheer genius. watch it and enjoy it.

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