Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Friday, June 20, 2008

Movie Review - Norbit

The only people watching this film are Eddie Murphy fans. Of all colours and creeds. Surely no-one else would be remotely interested. Have you seen Bowfinger? Then you've pretty much seen this film already. Norbit is so much like Bowfinger it's unreal, the lead characters are practically interchangeable.

This is the story of an orphan boy who "marries" his childhood sweetheart and then loses her when she gets adopted and then ends up with a truly awful woman, Rasputia. Oh, and by the way film makers. When Rasputia jumped on Norbit like that? She'd have killed him stone dead the first time. The film contains elements of trickery and betrayal which steer the very small amount of plot the film actually has. Eddie Murphy plays Norbit, Rasputia and Mr Wong. So there are no new ideas there seeing he played multiple roles in Coming To America and the various Nutty Professor films.

His character is a geek, again nothing new there. Murphy fans will and already have flocked to this in their droves. Personally I'd rather not have seen it, it was awful.

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