Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Friday, June 20, 2008

Movie Review - Ocean's Twelve

The Title is the 1st mistake, Never at any time are there 12 people in the crew. Error 1.
If they've taken the egg before it ever reached the museum then why is Tess ever sent for? Pointless. The French Thief is hit by at least 3 lasers and the alarm never goes off. Error 2.
The Asian guy would have died in the bag. Big error, Error 3.

Why didn't we get English subtitles every time he spoke, we'd like to know what he said. Why didn't Albert Finney or Bruce Willis get a credit in the film? The Entrapment pastiche is quite funny. I don't know why the film makers felt the need to bleep the guy in the music studio. Did the film really need a 12 rating?

Quite a lot of the film is quite pointless. the set-up for the egg theft, the whole being in prison, being broken out. The film is utter c**p. watch the 1st one, it's much better.

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