Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Friday, June 20, 2008

Movie Review - Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

OK, I'm going get this comment out of the way first. This film is far too long. By about 30 minutes. Several shots that lingered on one thing where nothing was happening several times could have been cut short (saving about 10 minutes right there) and the scene where Jack goes mad in the locker could have been cut completely as could the scene aboard the Dutchman where he's talking to his multiple selves and that would have made the movie half an hour shorter with no ill effects.

The plot is pretty complicated, there's lots of betrayals and confusion and misdirection - all of which are resolved during the course of the overly long film. Keith Richard's cameo isn't all bad and quite fun in itself. I think the kids will fidget during the almost 3 hours of the film and you DO have to sit through the end credits to see the little bit of information at the end of the film. I do assume they'll make Pirates 4 where they are looking for the Fountain Of Youth with Jack and Barbossa.

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