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Friday, June 20, 2008

Movie Review - The Rage: Carrie 2

Take Sue Snell from the original Carrie, one of the only survivors of the 1st movie who was last seen at the end of Carrie after the nightmare scare at the end in a hospital bed. And take a really dodgy plot that doesn't reveal Rachel being related to Carrie White (they share the same father so that's step-sister?) until very late into the movie. In the original Carrie we aren't really told very much about her father. So they have one character they can pretty much make up anything about that they like. And they do.

Rachel's best friend kills herself after being dumped by a jock who was only having sex with her for points. A pretty stupid reason to commit suicide but we have to isolate Rachel for later to allow her powers to kick in. The fact that the jock's friends gave him the use of a house had to make you suspect something was wrong. The fact that the film runs along very slowly until Rachel's relationship to Carrie is revealed then it gets even slower.

You know when the popular kids are being nice to Rachel it's all a set-up. The fake scare at the end which was a dream was totally predictable. I'd avoid this and watch the original. This is pure dross.

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