Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Movie Review - Captain EO

Lets put some puppets in space. In a spaceship that looks like its built from scrap. Being chased by god alone knows what. Being chased for who knows why. Being commanded by Captain Eo who rather scarily looks like - Micheal JACKSON! Right, so far we could have cheaply used The Henson Creature Workshop, Stan Winston & John Dykstra.

Then Captain Eo and his friends get sent on a mission. (No, I don't know why either, it's just a plot device to get them to where they need to be). They fly across something that looks FAR TOO MUCH LIKE The Death Star for it's own good (can we spell Law Suit? Or Rip-off?) (Actually it appears one Mr George Lucas directed so that'd be why) especially the towers on the surface, the pipes like catwalks and the whole trench sequence.

Then they crash. Damn idiots! Actually no, they found the beacon they were looking for! Ah, right. Why? Don't know, shut up and watch Micheal - sorry The Captain and all his friends get captured by some bad people and taken to what really looks like a Borg Queen (Oi, Paramount - can you spell copyright infringement?).

So The Captain uses some magical coluorful powers as his puppet friends transform into musical instruments so he can dance. The magic colours turn the "Borg Queen's" baddies into colorfully dressed dancers (I recognized a few guys from the Electro Rock Crew in The Break Dance Movie) and finally transforms the "Borg Queen" into a nicely dressed lady. Micheal, sorry - The Captain sings "Just another part of me" and it's all over bar the titles.

This is listed as the most expensive feature ever made, I assume there was some sort of 3d process when this was shown at Disneyland because even for 1986 (I think) it doesn't look very expensive. Generally rubbish, even for Jackson fans.

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