Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Movie Review - The City Under the Sea

This is an oldie and it's never going to win any awards. Certainly not for plot, special effects or acting anyway. Take 2 Americans living in a remote Cornish Village by the sea, mix in some local legends & superstitions about a sunken city and smugglers, add the over the top acting of horror legend Vincent Price, David Tomlinson (better known for Bedknobs & Broomsticks) and John Le Measurer (better known for Dads Army) and you have "City Under The Sea".

Price leads a group of former smugglers in an underwater city who raid the surface by night for all they can not salvage from the sea. On one of these raids a book is stolen containing a drawing of a women who looks just like Prices dead wife and he sends someone up to kidnap her, thinking his wife has returned from the grave. Obvious her American friend goes off to rescue her with Tomlinson in tow as the comic relief, playing an incompetent coward with a chicken called Herbert for company.

Based on something written by Edgar Allen Poe (not the 1st time Price has done something by him either!) there clearly wasn't much to work on to create the basic framework of this movie.
We have the underwater city, the inhabitants are all over 130 years old due to something in the air but this also renders them unable to go above the surface in the daylight as ultraviolet light will age and kill them. This eventually proves to be Prices fate after the American man & Tomlinson rescue the girl and escape to freedom. Generally weak film with a poor ending. A short cameo by Tony Selby (better known for "Get Some In" & "Dr Who") is easily missed.
Better left unwatched.

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