Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Movie Review - Click

I'm scoring it low (3/10) because it's got Adam Sandler in, who I can't stand. This is only the 2nd decent movie to come out of his Happy Madison production company, the other being Little Nicky which I do actually like. The supporting cast make this film good. I guessed Chris Walken was Death/The Grim Reaper/Morty. The fact that the whole sequence was a dream, wow, were the writers watching Bobby Ewing's comeback from the dead in Dallas (It was just a dream Sue Ellen had) as it was totally a stolen idea.

I figured that was the lead singer of The Cranberries singing linger at his sons wedding as well.
The film looks good and it is a definite feel good film. If you can get over the total hate for Adam Sandler then people like Henry WInkler & Julie Cavanah make this film really bearable.
It's weird to see Sean Astin as a grown-up, he's still that little kid in The Goonies in my head.
Watch and enjoy for the pretty weird ride. And David Hassellhoff as well.

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