Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Movie Review - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Peter Jackson clearly never bothered doing any research about turning long books into films before he started this. If he did he'd know that the original cut of Dune lasted 8 hours for just 1 book. The Fellowship Of The Rings is over 5000 pages long (I should know, I've read all 3 books).

The film is far too long by half, I'd have used a narrator to improve pacing across the whole film. The film generally looks very good apart from certain places where the green or blue screen and CGI really show very badly (places like Isengard when they are making the Orc Army and The Moria Mines when they are being chased by the Orcs, it reminded me of a section of the game Serious Sam).

The film goes no-where slowly and they could have subtitled all the Elvish to help people or just had them speak in plain English. This film is very over-rated. I really didn't enjoy it

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