Reviews of Wrestling, Movies, TV and much more! Strong language has been censored by me for blog content

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Movie Review - Speed Racer

If like me you know nothing about Speed Racer other than it's based on a comic & cartoon of the same name then like your almost certainly going to hate this film.

Basically we follow a boy called Speed Racer (Wow, his parents must REALLY hate him to have named him Speed?) who is nothing but a dreamer with no focus who lives pretty much in his own imagination most of the time.

Now if this were real life he'd be branded a retard or dosed up on Ritalin as he seems to be severely mentally disturbed. The film is far too cartoony in its appearance (in fact the 1st real racing sequence we see looks like a slot car toy racing set). In many ways the film looks too much like the games Wipeout & Wipeout 2097 in its race sequences and if I wanted to see those I'd simply go play the game so the film is very unoriginal there (actually at certain points in that race sequence the film looks like it had stolen heavily from the original Rollerball).

For most people I'll be very surprised if watching the race sequences doesn't make them feel very nauseous indeed & if any vomit it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Without less than an hour having elapsed the film became impossible to follow. Was Rex dead or not? I gave up on the movie as it just too unbearable, weak plot pinning its hopes on showy images and vomit inducing race sequences. If I wanted to watch a film with better racing sequences than this that didn't make me feel like vomiting I'd watch Ben Hur & Days Of Thunder or the Pod race in Phantom Menace. At least I know watching them they have plots that aren't confusing you as to whether someone is actually alive or not.

Avoid like crazy even if you are a fan. It's just plain AWFUL!

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