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Friday, June 20, 2008

My TNA Weekly Catch-up, Impact 19th Jun 08

Jay Lethal opens the show from "The Pink Taco" (clearly backstage @ the Impact Zone, who does he think he's fooling?).
Booker T vs BG James. Booker jumped BG before he ever made it into the ring where it stayed for a short while before Booker threw BG into the ring officially starting the match. BG seemed pretty happy to put Booker over in this match, selling everything in a big way. Booker took an easy looking win. BG had clearly been told to lay down for this one as he's a much better worker than this match showed .
World X Cup 1st Round Match, Team International represented by Tyson Dux & Daivari (formerly of WWE) vs Team TNA represented by The Motor City Machine Guns. The Guns were having their usual excellent match, it turns out Dux has been in TNA before as a member of Team Canada. Daivari was getting good heat from the Impact Zone marks. It was annoying that they moved to the "fight" between AJ Styles & Tomko in the locker room that might have been slightly more believable if Tomko hadn't pointed to exact spot that he wanted Styles to hit him with the chair. Some very bad positioning by both the cameraman & Dux showing he was just waiting for his cue to come & make the save on Daivari. Dux also very badly sold his fall on the tree of woe. Shelley made the pin getting the win & 1 point for Team TNA. Awesome match apart from Dux's 2 flubs.
Very good & extremely watchable Gail Kim interview segment. I'm not sure why they put Pat Kenney's real name up, most of us would know him better as Simon Diamond. It was weird to see Scott D'amore with no hair in those clips as well!
Jim Cornette brings out LAX who have demanded a Fans Revenge Lumberjack Match for the Victory Road PPV against James Storm & Robert Roode. Hector sure knows how to work a mic & looks so much like Eddie its plain scary! Jim Cornette's memory is damn short isn't it? "No men beating up women"? Isn't HE the same person who put Awesome Kong into the mens tag title race not long ago? Idiot. It's a good job my memory is better than his.
Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed bring out Jeremy Borash to make the $25,00 challenge to the female Impact Zone fans yet again. We don't get any introduction the the 3 girls but the one picked is called Taylor & thats all we're told.

Awesome Kong vs Shantelle Taylor (formerly of SHIMMER & WWE). Taylor started by jumping the guard rail to rush Kong. When it got into the ring Taylor had 1 offensive then used her speed to stay away from Kong. She did manage to avoid 1 Awesome Bomb & got a couple of good chairshots on Kong before the ref took it away. Taylor hit a wicked Missile Dropkick & is the 1st to actually get any kind of count on Kong. Taylor avoided a 2nd Awesome Bomb & tried what looked like a Hurricanrana but finally got hit by the Awesome Bomb so Awesome Kong takes another win but this is THE best that any "fan" has done against her to date. According to something I read somewhere else Taylor is already signed with TNA so I look forward to seeing more of her.
World X Cup Preview Match, Team International (Alex Kozlov who we saw last week) vs Team TNA (Kaz). Kaz was happy putting Kozlov over for most of this match & it gave Kozlov a chance to show his very wide skill-set. Kaz took the win off The Wave Of The Future.
Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt fight at "The Pink Taco". Anyone with eyes can see its the Impact backstage area.
Knockouts Special Challenge Match, Jaqueline vs Salinas. This one was booked by Jim Cornette earlier in the show. It wasn't a great match for either women, Jaqueline eentually won off a submission hold.
Tagteam Grudge Match, Christian Cage & AJ Styles (replacing Rhino who'd "taken a 3d through a table" backstage earlier in the show) vs Team 3D. Styles & Cage took this to Devon & Ray on the ramp before their music had even finished. Not a great match, best highlight was AJ's flipdive off Cage's back onto Team 3D outside the ring. Styles took the win off Devon. As for the garbage that happened post-match? It's storyline garbage not even worth mentioning.

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